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Heard Of Dark Social? If Not, Your Revenue Engine Is Outdated

Written by Julio | June 8, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving B2B landscape, the shift towards dark social represents a critical pivot point for marketing strategies. But what exactly is dark social, and why can't B2B marketers afford to ignore it anymore? Let's dive deep into the hidden world of B2B marketing, where real conversations and conversions are happening away from the prying eyes of traditional metrics.

The Shift in B2B Buyer Behavior: Trusting Peers Over Brands

Gone are the days when B2B buyers solely relied on formal sources like Gartner reports or Google search results to inform their purchasing decisions. Today, a seismic shift has occurred, with buyers placing unprecedented trust in their peers. This peer-to-peer exchange of information often takes place in what's known as dark social channels – platforms that are not as easily trackable like LinkedIn, podcasts, Slack communities, and even through word-of-mouth.

This transition signifies a return to a more human-centric approach in the B2B realm, underscoring the importance of authentic, trust-building interactions over brand-centric messaging.

Understanding Dark Social: The Unseen Influence in B2B Marketing

Dark social might sound like an enigmatic force, but it simply refers to the social sharing of content that occurs outside the measurable realm of traditional social media channels. This includes private messaging apps, email, and any other digital communication forms where sharing is not publicly observable. For B2B marketers, this presents a significant challenge: how to track and influence buying decisions happening in these unseen forums.

Despite these challenges, neglecting dark social is a grave mistake. It's where your customers are having candid conversations and making decisions about your products or services without you even knowing.

Overcoming Tech Dependency: Why Traditional Metrics Fall Short

In an age where technology pervades every aspect of marketing, there's a dangerous over-reliance on metrics that can be easily quantified. This tech dependency has led marketers to prioritize measurable channels, often at the expense of the rich, qualitative insights that dark social offers.

Chris Walker of Refine Labs asserts that such an over-reliance on technology leaves significant money on the table. Marketers focusing solely on ABM tech and display ads miss the forest for the trees. The real action is happening in dark social, where demand already exists and is waiting to be tapped into.

Engaging in Human-to-Human Marketing: The Power of Direct Conversations

One of the key takeaways from focusing on dark social is the renewed emphasis on human-to-human (H2H) marketing. In a landscape cluttered with automated responses and generic marketing messages, the power of a direct conversation cannot be understated.

By engaging directly with customers in their preferred channels, marketers can break down barriers, understand customer pain points firsthand, and tailor their strategies to meet the actual needs of their audience. This direct engagement is not just a tactic but a fundamental shift towards more empathetic and effective marketing.

Integrating Marketing Fundamentals with Dark Social Strategy

The essence of leveraging dark social lies in integrating tried-and-true marketing fundamentals with a strategic approach to these unseen channels. This means moving beyond mere content creation to truly engaging with customers where they are.

Chris Walker highlights the importance of blending product marketing, brand marketing, and field marketing to drive conversions. This holistic approach ensures that your marketing efforts are not just seen but felt by your target audience, fostering a deeper connection and driving demand.

Reclaiming the Narrative: Educating Buyers in the Shadows

In the absence of direct engagement, your competitors are the ones educating your potential buyers. To reclaim the narrative, B2B marketers must focus on educating and informing prospects through a mix of SEO, PPC, and, crucially, engagement in dark social channels.

This proactive approach to education not only enhances your brand's credibility but also ensures that when buyers are ready to make a decision, your brand is at the forefront of their minds. It's about moving buyers into intent channels through informed, educational content – content that speaks directly to their needs and challenges.

The Consequences of Overlooking Dark Social in Your Strategy

Ignoring dark social in your  B2B marketing strategy is akin to flying blind. Without acknowledging and engaging in the channels where your customers are actively seeking advice and making decisions, you risk being left out of the conversation entirely.

The consequences of such an oversight are significant: wasted resources on channels that don't convert, a lack of credibility among your target audience, and ultimately, a lower conversion rate. In contrast, by embracing dark social, you position your brand as a trusted advisor, directly influencing the buying process in your favor.

Crafting a Dark Social B2B Marketing Plan: Steps to Success

Developing a marketing plan that effectively incorporates dark social requires a strategic shift and a willingness to engage in less measurable, yet profoundly impactful, channels. Here are steps to success:

  1. Listen and Learn: Start by listening to the conversations happening in your industry. Join relevant LinkedIn groups, Slack communities, and any other forums where your customers are active.

  2. Engage Authentically: Engage in these communities not as a marketer, but as a peer. Offer valuable insights and advice without the overt intention of selling.

  3. Educate and Inform: Use the insights gained from these conversations to inform your content strategy. Create educational content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of your audience.

  4. Measure What Matters: While dark social is inherently difficult to measure, focus on qualitative feedback and direct engagement metrics to gauge success.

  5. Iterate and Optimize: Use the insights gained from your engagement in dark social to refine your approach continually. This iterative process ensures that your strategy remains aligned with your customers' evolving needs.

In conclusion, dark social represents a vast, largely untapped opportunity for B2B marketers willing to venture into the unknown. By understanding and embracing the power of peer-to-peer conversations, marketers can forge deeper connections, drive demand, and ultimately, achieve a competitive edge in the complex B2B landscape.


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